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Next course starts 18th March 2025

(Please note new class times)

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Sign up today and get free access to our online course to maximise your training

Get a free copy of my book worth £15.99 at your first class

Please note:

We are sadly not able to accept XL bully's, banned breeds or reactive dogs in our classes. 


Any dog that shows reactive behaviour may be asked to leave the class, this is for the welfare of all dogs as per our terms and conditions.


Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding one to one sessions by emailing

Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme Classes 

Tuesday's at Brook St Community Centre Dy4 9DD

Puppy @ 6.30pm

Bronze, Silver & Gold mixed class @ 7.30pm

Image by Mathis Jrdl


Prepare your puppy for their life ahead in the big world.


Build your bond and have fun teaching your puppy how to behave at home and out and about

Image by Karsten Winegeart

Bronze, Silver & Gold

The scheme promotes responsible dog ownership by teaching everyday life skills for you and your dog through positive and reward based training techniques.

Image by David Clarke

Beyond Gold

Why stop at Gold! 


Join us for our new  exciting class including scent work, parkour and much more to really maximise your training

(only available to those who have passed Gold)

Moo Dog Training has 'Listed Club Status' with the Kennel Club for the Good Citizen Dog Scheme


Our GCDS classes are held at Brook Street Community Centre in Tipton 


Please see our services page for more information and to reserve your place on the next course


Class sizes are strictly limited and must be pre-booked in advance


Now including real life skills such as settling when eating out, vet visits without owner present and lots more!

A picture of Lillie and Lazarus

The Good Citizen Dog Training Scheme is run by the Kennel Club


The scheme aims to help owners and their dogs to build real life day to day skills that help dogs and their owners to live together in harmony


These everyday life skills are so important and help you to build your bond with your dog


Using only positive, motivational based training techniques you and your dog can progress through the four stages of the scheme


Classes are held over 7 weeks with a double length class on week seven

Puppy Foundation Award 

8 class course £175

The Puppy foundation Course provides positive socialisation for puppies and helps to ensure your pup has the best foundation in their training and education


During the course handlers and puppies will learn:


  • How to teach puppies to be responsive to their name and return to their handler when called

  • How to play with their handler in safe and appropriate way (no nipping and how to teach your pup to give up their toys easily)

  • How to interact with other dogs and people

  • How to walk on a loose lead and not pull

  • How to check you pup over for health and wellbeing and prepare them for vet checks

  • How to stop stealing and teach food manners

  • How to teach your pup the three main positions of sit, down and stand

  • How to start teaching your pup to stay and wait


All our training is motivational and positive reward based helping you to build a stronger bond with your pup


Puppy classes at Moo Dog Training are suitable for all pups as soon as they are able to go out for walks and up to 6 months of age

Bronze Award 

8 class course £175

The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bronze Award builds on the skills taught in the Puppy Foundation Award and aims to teach the handler how to have a dog that will:


The Bronze award aims to provide the handlers with a basic knowledge of understanding and training their canine companion.


  • Walk on a loose lead regardless of distractions

  • Will stay in one position when cued

  • Will allow its owner to clean, groom and inspect it for its wellbeing and how to prepare for being handled by a vet

  • Have a dog that will walk and behave in a happy natural manner 

  • Building on recall and return to handler even around distractions

  • Door manners

  • Basic grooming of your dog

  • How to teach your dog to stay for up to one minute

  • Building on the handlers knowledge and understanding of the responsibility of having a dog and how to train their canine companion


There is no pre-requirement to have taken your puppy GCDS Award, this award is open to everyone and any breed or cross breed and is ideal for those dogs over 6 months of age or who have already completed their GCDS Puppy Foundation Course


At the end of the course you will have the opportunity to test your skills, those acquiring the required level will receive a Kennel Club GCDS Bronze Award Certificate (and of course will have full bragging rights to friends and family) 

Silver Award 

To take your Silver GCDS Award you must have first completed and passed your Bronze GCDS award (proof is required before starting the course, Bronze certificate will need to be sent by email)


8 class course £175


The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme Silver Award aims to build upon the skills learned in the Bronze Award whilst increasing the level of difficulty. The course follows a natural progression of practical dog training skills and introduces new exercises such as the controlled greeting, road walk and vehicle control which are important in everyday life situations.


The Silver Award aims to provide handlers with a good knowledge of understanding and training their canine companion


During your course we will cover:


  • How to play safely with your dog

  • How to safely walk your dog alongside a road

  • Recall with distractions

  • Stay for two minutes

  • How to enter, leave and behave in a vehicle

  • Rejoin handler - asking the dog to come back to you whilst you walk away (a real great skill for park walks)

  • How to meet and greet people and other dogs

  • How to examine your dog (as if at the vets) and how to prepare your dog for someone new to them to do this (such as a vet)


At the end of the course you will have the opportunity to test your skills, those acquiring the required level will receive a Kennel Club GCDS Silver Award Certificate (and of course will have full bragging rights to friends and family again, as let's face it you and your dog are amazing!

Gold Award 

8 class course £175

To take your Gold GCDS Award you must have first completed and passed your Bronze and Silver GCDS award (proof is required before starting the course, both Bronze and Silver certificates will need to be sent by email)




Your dog must be a minimum of 12 months of age to take their Gold GCDS award but training can start as soon as you have completed and passed your Silver Award


The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme Gold Award is the highest level of achievement of the Scheme.
It builds upon the skills learnt in the Silver Award and develops more advanced training skills of the dog and handler. The Gold Award is a natural progression of practical dog training skills and introduces new exercises such as relaxed settle, stop the dog and send the dog to bed exercises, which are important in every day life situations.


The Gold Award aims to provide handlers with a greater knowledge and understanding of their canine companion. Dogs that are awarded a Gold Certificate should reach the required standards in all exercises and be a worthy representative of the Scheme’s highest standard. Where possible it is preferable that certain exercises are tested at indoor and outdoor locations.


During your course we will cover:


  • Return to handler and continue off lead under control for a walk

  • Off lead walk

  • Stay down for two minutes

  • Send your dog to bed

  • Emergency stop

  • Relaxed settle

  • Food manners

  • How to examine your dog and teach your dog to allow someone new to examine them


At the end of the course you will have the opportunity to test your skills, those acquiring the required level will receive a Kennel Club GCDS Gold Award Certificate (and of course will have full bragging rights to friends and family again, as let's face it you and your dog are amazing and to have got this far is epic!)

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